***WARNING**** It is 8:00am on a Saturday and I am awake………fair warning that I am not a happy person.   I have one day a week I can sleep in, but NO….my hubby chooses to be a smoker so he coughs throughout the entire night, off an on waking me up numerous times a night.  Then when it gets near morning he hacks….Gee if you want to do this to yourself, fine, but leave me out of it!  

He was not smoking when we married and I feel a bit cheated that he started after we were married. ……YEah yeah yeah….it is all about me, me, me…..I told ya I was crabby. 

Though he has never smoked in my house, his clothes reek when he comes in from outside.   Sorry to you smokers out there……I don’t mind smoking, just don’t want to be married to or live with one. 

Alright I am done whining, I suppose I might as well look at it on the bright side and think about how I can get to the grocery store this am before the rush…………….*(I still rather be sleeping).

3 thoughts on “

  1. I’m sorry you are dealing with this and that your dh doesn’t realize the health and nuisance problems he is creating for himself and others.  {{{{hugs}}}

    I hope you have had a Happy Easter!!!

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