ARGh…Saturday Morning…………

It is about 7:30am and what in the world am I doing up on the only day of the week that I get to sleep in???  The baby was fussing so I waited for him to settle down and go back to sleep.  He usually will, but no luck.  SO I get up and make a pitcher of formula for the day, fill his bottle, head back to the nursery to see that *now he has fallen back to sleep.  ARgh…..thanks alot.   So I am up!  I had been up at 3:00am too, because my hubby couldn’t sleep so he had gotten up and watched TV in the living room, but he had left the bedroom light on which woke me up.  I was a bit mad.  So my plans of catching up on sleep are done for. 

So instead I will get an early shower, scrub the kitchen and bathroom, put away the clean laundry on the dining room table and do some general cleaning.  Maybe I can steal a few moments to read the paper or a book. 

I know I have some time so I am off to visit a few of you and read my email!   Have a great Saturday!  We have out computer in front of  window now, so as I type I can watch the lovely snow coming down.  It looks like it is a bit windy out as well.  I hope the roads are ok, I would like to run to the bank this morning, SINCE I AM UP!

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