Hello….Where has this week gone????  ARgh….last night I spent all my free time finishing up my book on tape as it was overdue.   I was listening to Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver.  I didn’t much care for the ending.  Tommy was a bit crabby last night, so I ended up putting a little baby oral gel on his bottom gum and he was jsut fine after that.  So I think we will be beginning our adventure in teething soon.

Gee can’t think of anything else I have done this week, isn’t that sad??   Just busy with work and stuff, and trying to finish reading two books for my on-line book group.  If you have a baby, you will enjoy the book Tending Rose by Lisa Wingate, it is about slowing your life down and enjoying your children.  It is a fictional book about a young mother with a 4 month old that had health problems that goes to stay with her family at her Grandma’s farm due to her grandma becoming unsafe due to loss of memory and stuff after a stroke.   The Grandma, sees the grand-daughter struggling and writes in a flowered journal and leaves it for her to read.  THe journal entries are very good and life directing for the grand-daughter.    I hope to read more of this tonight.

Tonight we had Family First.   We have a presenter that spoke about Simple Living, Clutter Control, Household Organization, etc.  I didn’t feel like I learned anything new, as I really have been pretty good about keeping up with this to some extent.   But I think it was helpful for my hubby, maybe he will actually throw something away.  She recommneded a number of books, etc, but I think that Flylady is the best for me, I don’t need to look any further.  Though like everyone I fall off the Flylady wagon often enough…LOL!!

Next week the presenter must be a creative memories person.  She will be talking about preserving memories, photos, etc.

Today at my work, it was clean up day!  We are moving to a new building in August so we have to start cleaning out our cubes.  I am sure I threw enough junk out of my cube that would equal more than my own weight!   but it really felt great!!  We will have a second clean up day in July to finish cleaning and packing for the move.   I doubt the new building will be done by August, things never really ever stay on schedule with the government!

I always forget to answer the questions my posters ask me…so here goes……….

CYNDIM – BTW, I had Tommy’s pics taken at Sears at Maplewood.  I have the smile savers card there….we like it!

0 thoughts on “

  1. …Jen, think you could crank the fire up some? I’m freezing and the Snowpeople Family have frost bite.
    …love organization, think it’s the neatest thing to come along since “get it done.”
    …do you scrapebook, i.e., creative memories? Started to with my grandson’s album (3 yr old). Every year start a new album. As I finish pages take them over and insert them. He loves looking at photos. Nice when he is older, I hope. Something to remember me by. Lately, I am behind, still doing pre-
    Christmas. Think of putting together my own, for me, but alas, thinking is not doing!
    …by the time August roles around you won’t have anything to move except your organized self. Mmmm, that sounds good. Always heard we should travel light. MuSe

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