
Well today sure flew by, but I actually feel like I got a few things done.   We slept in today till 8:30…ahhhhh…that was nice.  We got ready and headed to the library.  I had a huge number of cookbooks on reserve that all came in.  I plan on spending tomorrow and Monday thumbing through them.  One of my favorite passtimes. 

We also stopped at the bread thrift store for bagels, toy R us for bigger socks for Tommy, and lastly at the grocery store for a can of Spaghetti sauce.  

We got home and realized that Paul had forgotten to take Erik to his Karate lesson.  His ex-wife called about it.  OOOOPS!!  He wanted to go to the library with me and totally forgot about it. 

For lunch the kids made their own mini pizzas on english muffins.   I actually got two sewing projects done this afternoon.  I made one of the towel bib I wanted to make.  I could not for the life of my find a store that sold finger tip towels so I bought a solid color kitchen hand towel and cut it in half.  I hemmed the raw edge and seems to be ok.  I will wash it once and see how it does.  If it works fine I have 5 more towel bibs to make.   I made on hooded towel as well.  It has been ages since I have sewn.  It was nice.

I also made Sandwich for 12 for supper.  So I made a foccacia bread today for that.  I also made a Cream Chocolate Oreo Cheesecake for dessert for tomorrow night.  If it tastes as good as it looks I will share the recipe tomorrow.  

Well I am tired, so I think I will head to bed.   I hope everyone hada great Saturday! 

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  1. Sounds like a productive day…especially cooking wise.  You made me hungry!!    Yes, I prefer Costco to Sam’s.  It is bigger.  It has the same stuff I want (minus one or two things) and you can get gas there for cheap!!  I love going there w/ my brother and I’ll continue to let him pay his membership there and I’ll just tag along HEHEHHE!

  2. I could have SWORN I’ve seen finger-tip towels at Target before. Maybe they just have them around the holidays….. take a pic of the bib! I wanna see! πŸ™‚ I have a few of those towel bibs. They have squeakers in them too. Got them as gifts tho. I think the IL’s gave us some. I can ask where they got them if you want. πŸ™‚ Is there a Costco around here other than the St. Louis Park one? We had a membership there, but it was too far of a drive. Just go to Sam’s now. :0)

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