Hello Xangaland….

Today was a good day!   My hubby called me at work today to tell me he found a website for the State Of MN Commerce and on the site they list MN residents with unclaimed property.   He called about the unclaimed property and it was a payroll check from 5 years ago for over 700.00.   What great timing!!  Now I can’t be mad about the more expensive mouse or the upgrade in the cable.  LOL!!  God has a great sense of humor, ya gotta love that. 

So check out the site below to see if you have any unclaimed property in your state that is owned by you!!! 


I found that one of my brothers and my ex-husband have money owed to them.   Pretty interesting.

ok..enough about that.   BTW…Thanks God

Ok my day was been pretty good, work was fine.   When I got home I babysat my niece and nephew, Kristi and Nick.   My hubby had night school tonight so it was just me and the kids. 

I have to tell you a few funny Nick stories….he cracks me up sometimes.   My nephew for those who are new to the blog is diagnosed with autism.   He at times obsesses a bit on things   (huge understatement).   He is constantly following me around and asking me questions.  Nick’s autism is such that he is very very intelligent, but had difficulty in other areas.   So he is following me around tonight.  He says, “Auntie I went to occupational therapy today” ….cool……Night continues to tell me how he doesn’t get dizzy no matter how much he spins, but this therapist does.  OK, so he wants to know why that is……everything is why.   So I say “because you are a very special boy Nick”.  Ok…yes, I know that the inability to get dizzy is related to his autism and sensory things, but he doesn’t know what autism is or that he has it…  So Nick ponders his specialness for a bit …and his last question is……drum roll please……………..”auntie, does God get dizzy??’  Hmmm….saved by Josh who tells Nick, I don’t know I have never been to God’s house.  Nick says, well when I go to God’s house I will find out. 

Few…made it through that question session…the other sessions were, how does a signal get from the satellite to the TV, etc.  (I don’t know!!)  Then he happens to have difficulty with sleeping and he was up last night at 3am .  and saw an old 70’s sesame street…and is very concerned about why Big Bird looks different………..

I can’t continue my writing right now, Tommy is screaming….must need to burp……………motherhood calls…….

More later….I know you are in suspense

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