I am about to get ready for bed, so I thought I would stop in and blab about my day, like I am prone to do.   I had to be at work this morning for a mandatory section meeting…yep I hate those.   I had to miss the community baby shower at ECFE because of it.  Of course hubby took Tommy to it and come home with some great resources.   He wants to sign up to take a baby class with Tommy on Friday mornings.   The class we have at church is good, but the kids are older so the ECFE one is only for children 0-6months.  We decided to attend both classes. 

Paul loves to go to these mommy classes.     It was him and 15 mothers and babies.  LOL!!  They all gush over him about how sweet it is that he stays home with the baby, etc.  He won three drawings there too.  One for a toy, a book and a onsie.  I am lucky that he stays home with Tommy and is such a wonderful father.  He is so cute when he sings and does all the actions for the songs for Tommy at Families First…LOL!!!

I am so very lucky that my employment is so flexiable.  I will be able to attend the Friday morning class with Paul and Tommy fairly often.  I will just have to flex my time.  I would never give up my job, it is so ideal while raising a family.  Though I am not sure I will be there until I retire, I will be there until Tommy is much older.

Families First tonight at church was good.  There were not as many people there tonight.   The discussion was more of just a checking in process.  How are you doing emotionally, physically and spiritually?   What goal are you setting for this year?

Well time for me to head to bed…..and I have a confession….my sink is sooooooo very NOT shiny!!   Oh well, hubby says he will do the dishes tomorrow…we will see.

Night all!

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