WHEW….the weekend is over, actually this is my birthday weekend extravaganza.  Yep, I milk that fact that I was born…LOL!!   My official birthday was on Friday.   It is official I am 30 years old again this year!


bday_poohHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to go to the Dr on my birthday, go figure.   Paul and kids made me supper.  We had lasagna and garlic bread.   Then Paul made a killer hot fudge brownie delight thing!!  WOO!!!  the rest is a chocolate induced haze….hmmmmmmmmmmm…

I spent the evening hanging with the kids.  I received a watch (really needed one badly) and the book “Super Baby Food” as I was really enjoying the library copy and found it to be a great resource.  

So I headed to bed early to read it!!

Joshua went to a lock in at his friend’s church.  And of course will be staying up all night!   Paul, Erik and I played electronic Uno for the evening until Tommy decided he needed attention. 


Tommy didn’t think I should sleep in today.   It was ok as Josh was banging on the door at 7:00am when he returned from the lock in.  He of course crawled in  our bed and slept the rest of the day.  Today was a busy day for me!  Paul took care of the baby most of the afternoon so I could organize the basement.   This is one of the gifts I asked for, for my birthday!    Weird ain’t I??  

Josh helped me and we conquered most of Tommy’s play room.  Yes, Tommy (infant) has a play room.  My hubby went nuts with buy toys for the kid…LOL!!  Josh and I boxed up about 10 boxes of toys and organized them according to age levels.   There were too many toys in there and my niece and nephew would come over and trash the place.  I will rotate toys in and out.  I took out 1/2 of the kitchen stuff, it is much more manageable. 

Julie, Dale and kids came over when we were about done with the toy room.   They brought me a cashew and caramel sundae from Culver’s for my birthday and a little snow globe that says “queen of everything”.  I am the queen of my own little world over here, just ask my hubby!

Next I started cleaning out the school stuff in the dining room.  We homeshool both our kids in the summer in lieu of summer school for Erik.   And Josh does well in school we just do it to torture him or so he thinks.    I boxed up all the preschool and kindergarten stuff as Erik is past those.  Erik is in the 3rd grade this year so we will mostly be doing 2nd and 3rd grade stuff with him.    Hubby found a great website for some lesson plans that I might try this summer.   Check it out………


I was up early for church, go figure since we stayed up late.  The service was nice.  I always enjoy Pastor Marlyn.  Tommy even made it through the whole service with only a bit of fuzziness. 

After church we went out to eat at Old Country Buffet.  Paul and I headed off to Target to buy a couple of bins to store stuff away.  We also needed to buy a new mouse for the computer.  Ours died, we have cleaned it a number of times, but not it just went hay-wire.   I of course look at a nine dollar mouse and say good enough!   But Paul spots a Optical Mouse without the ball thing.   Do you really have to ask which one we ended up needing to buy???   ARGH!!!  

I think we are upgrading to digital TV too….hmmm…how do I *always lose on these items??   Digital TV is less than 5 dollars more a month and included alot of the educational TV channels we like to watch like Discovery kids, Discovery Home, etc.  Right now Dale and Julie will tape stuff for us on the various Discovery channels we want to watch.   We already watch alot of Discovery and History Channel in our household, now to add 4 more Discovery channels…LOL!!  OH GAWD! 

Josh and Erik both had friends sleep over tonight.  ALways a treat   Actually there were ok after I told them to not wake the baby a few thousand times.   I could hear them playing hide and seek in the laundry room below my bedroom.  


Erik and Josh went sledding with the neighbors today.  I was actually surprised by Erik today.  His Sue Mom was coming to pick him up at 1:00 to go to the movie “Snow Dogs” or something like that.   He called her and told her he would rather go sledding.   I was surprised I really thought he would want to go to the movie.   The boys had a sleep over last night so they all slept in.  Paul and I didn’t do much today.  I started cleaning out the filing for the year 2002.   Finished organizing the school area on the dining room.   Other than that I spent alot of time with Tommy. 

Tommy discovered a new thing today, he was fussing in his crib after his nap.  All of a sudden he stopped fussing as I was going in to get him.  I ask myself what could have calmed him???   OH how cute!!  Tommy discovered his thumb and how to suck it.  It was cute.

I also finally got all my knickknack sort of things back in the entertainment center, since we had xmas stuff in there.  Every year I put less things in there.  I look at the items and go, hmmm….do I really want this???   Does it really mean anything to me or am I just keeping it because someone gave it to me?    Well the verdict is out, have of the stuff was in there because someone gave it to me.  So off it went to my garage sale pile.    We are planning on having a garage sale in May.  Hopefully we will be able to sell alot of my maternity clothes and baby stuff as well.  

I go through these phases, where I throw everything out of the house that isn’t nailed down.  LOL!!   I seem to be in one of those phases, so watch out.   

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