
The Dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world.  G.K.Chesterton

To infants, the ordinary is extraordinary.  From the moment they are born, they are full of wonder.  Like artists, they study each intricate detail of our face, discovering every freckle and line.  They’re seeing the world for the first time; everything is fresh, everything is an object of wonder: a piece of carpet lint, a button on a blouse, a strand of hair.

When we see the world through our little one’s eyes, we expereinc anew our own childlike sense of wonder.   Wonder is not reserved for children; they help to awaken it in us.  *Meditations of New Mothers – Beth Wilson Saavedra

Lately I have been just enjoying watching Tommy discover the world around him.   Watching the kitty walk by, looking in totaly awe when Mommy clicks her tongue.  It is so fun!  I am making sure to enjoy ever moment with Tommy.   He is my priority, not housework, or my career or anything else.

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