Well, it seems like the only time I will have to update or comment will be for a bit before bed.   So here I am.  Well today was a fairly productive day, at least productive enough for me.    I was at work early enough to be prepared for my 9:00am meeting.  That is pretty good for me.  It doesn’t matter what time I get to work, I never seem to make it out of there until around 6:00.   So of course I worked late again today.

When I got home my hubby had prepared a wonderful surprise supper.  He had grilled steaks outside (remember we live in Minnesota, LOL).  Sure sign of a nice winter   So we enjoyed supper, than I played with Tommy for the evening.  He was in a pretty good mood.  He figured out how to kick his legs and kick me, which he found funny.   Then I got him ready for bed and we watched a bit of TV.   I enjoy watching Judging Amy on Tuesdays.   I like Maxine, the social worker.   Yes, that could be because I *am a social worker, but she has a great attitude about the job.   One that if I had, I would probably not have a job, but it is fun to watch her

Tommy headed to bed around 10:30.  I still have to print out about 7 more holiday newsletters to mail.  I am so terribly behind schedule this year.  It is totally not like me.  I am obsessed with schedules and list and time tables…….LOL!!

I am glad to report that the antibiotics are working great!  I am feeling better and better.   I best head to bed as I have a busy day of home visits scheduled for tomorrow.  And the bonus is the visits are with families I enjoy visiting. 

I *have to be home from work tomorrow early as we start our Families First classes with Tommy tomorrow at our church.  Should be interesting…………:) 

Ok, what is with the spell checker on xanga????  I click spell check and it says, it looks good, no errors…..ummm….I can see errors.   Isn’t this feature working??  Why again did I pay for premium services???  Oh yeah, so I can bombard you with pics of my kidlets………..

Have a great night!!!  It is almost 11:00 so I got to scoot!  Type at ya again tomorrow night 🙂

2 thoughts on “

  1. glad you’re feeling better. seems like you get more done than I do with no baby, no job and no excuses i admire you so! keep the photos coming! actually spellcheck is progress, it used to just eat blogs, now at least it just says they’re ok no matter howe bade you spel

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