Ok, head is throbbing, eyes hurt and I have sharp pain in my sinus when I breathe….yep, this cold seems to have gone into a sinus infection………..GRRRRRRRRRRR.. I hate that! I always seem to get at least two every winter. Well so I will need to call the clinic in the AM and get an appointment. I will be upset if I must miss another day of work. I didn’t go in on Friday as I was feeling lousy.
Well I am off to bed and am leaving hubby to fend with the little one. Hopefully he will be down for the night soon. He is sleeping so wonderfully at night now. He sleeps usually around 8 hours. Night!

0 thoughts on “

  1. Oy, I HATE HATE HATE sinus headaches/head colds. You have my utmost sympathy! You know, one of these days we really ought to get together with the kidlets.

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