Hello everyone –

Well it is about 10:00 and I thought I would drop in and say good night to Xangaland.   I have had a fairly productive day.  Tommy was fairly cranky throughout the day, but did seem to sleep alot.  I expect he will be getting up in the middle of the night tonight. 

We managed to get the plastic up on some of our upstairs windows during one of Tommy’s evening naps.  That seemed to warm it up in here.  BRRRRRRRRRR!   I did some cleaning, straightened up the kitchen and put away the laundry off  the dining room table.  That is a terrible hot spot for me.  I always seem to have clean laundry on there to put away.

I decided to start reading the book I got as a shower gift, “Sign with your Baby”.  It is a program to communicate with infants before they can speak via sign language.  We decided to start the signs early as Tommy is starting to pay attention to things.  When he is upset and crying due to hunger, he will calm immediately when he sees the burp clothe or when it goes around his neck.   He knows that food comes next.   So maybe he could relate the sign to the occurrence as well.    Either way it will get Hubby and I used to signing with him.   My best friend signed with her son.  She had amazing results.  He was producing signs and conveying his needs by 8 months.   She started when he was 5 months old. 

If you want to know more about the program you can check out their website http://www.sign2me.com/ .  If any of you have had an experience with signing with your child I would love to hear about it!!

Well I need to get to bed, since I am still fighting this cold of mine.  I hope I get over it soon, seems to be a bit better.

BTW, the Baked Chicken Breasts were a hit with the family!  🙂  Gee, I better figure out what we are having tomorrow before I go to bed.  I did already pack my lunch for tomorrow and did the supper dishes.  So I am doing pretty good!   I even went down and straightened Erik’s part of the bedroom. 

5 thoughts on “

  1. I never had the energy to sign with my daughter.  LOL. 

    One of the kids in the daycare my daughter goes to signs all the time.  His mother is deaf and I think he can communicate better with his mom by signing than the rest of the toddlers in the room can by talking to the rest of us.  Good luck with it.

  2. I never had the energy to sign with my daughter.  LOL. 

    One of the kids in the daycare my daughter goes to signs all the time.  His mother is deaf and I think he can communicate better with his mom by signing than the rest of the toddlers in the room can by talking to the rest of us.  Good luck with it.

  3. Like you already know we’ve used Baby Signs – with both my son and daughter – it was great. Would certainly recommend it!!

    Have fun and happy signing!!

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