I am very happy to finally be nearing the end of this pregnancy. It certainly has been hard to say the least. I am in my 39th week and Tommy is due to be born by the 30th of October. The Dr said that due to my diabetes they don’t want me going over my due date. That is reassuring at least to know the end is near.

I continue to increase my insulin as the blood sugar levels are higher. I have three shots a day and my legs are beginning to look like swiss cheese. But luckily that will be ending soon. They figure that within two hours after giving birth I will be back to normal. Well as normal as I get.

I am at my last week of work. I will only be working this week and then on maternity leave. It is hard to think of being away from work for 6 weeks. I have never been away more than 2 weeks from any job in my life. I am luck I certainly work with a wonderful group of people.

I think we are pretty prepared for Tommy’s arrival. The bassinet has been moved into our bedroom, we have everything I can think of . Now all we need is Tommy! His clothes are in his drawers, diapers ready and waiting.

I still continue to have about 5 Dr appointments a week. I do feel good that our Dr is watching over Tommy and I so closely. I see the Dr on Monday and I hope I have started to dialate, though I don’t think I have. I also will have another Non Stress Test done. I am suppose to also see the Asthma Dr on Monday though I am thinking of cancelling that appointment as I am doing fine.

So hopefully tomorrow the Dr will talk to us about when he will induce. I hope for soon!! I am very uncomfortable and have a terrible time sleeping. Neither Paul or I have had much sleep. I continue to toss and turn and get up to use the restroom at least 5 times a night, but usually a number of times more than that.

Oh yeah, and I have to tell you all about our other baby. Actually was a baby we bought for my hubby, but she is more a Mommy’s baby than he would like..LOL!! My hubby has always wanted a Maine Coon cat. So after losing our cat, Jasmine, we finally bought a maine Coon kitten, Molly!! She is alot of fun but like a toddler in many regards. She is always into something, but is a snuggly, loving kitten like none I have had before. She sleeps each night at my feet and has a terrible habit of biting my toes. But she is a cutie! One funny but bad thing about her is that she passes gas. OH MY!! She can actually clear a room out. It is hard to believe since she is such a little thing. SHe has had her first bath and did very well. We had her declawed a few weeks ago. This was hard on me, they looked so terrible, I just about cried. But she is still a spoiled little baby. We will see how she does when she has to share that attention with Tommy!!! We all know she will miss my belly as she loves to attack it when it moves.

2 thoughts on “

  1. glad to hear you are nearly there, both of you in two pieces at last looking after yourself and bub despite the difficulties. I’m glad you had the cat declawed, terrible as it seems – my beloved australian cat gave me Cat Scratch Fever which can develop into encephalitis and is very dangerous for pregnant women and their babies. you’re in for a number of sleepless weeks, hoping and praying all goes well for you both. much love and take care

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