I’M ALIVE!!  Nope I haven’t melted yet.  We have had over 18 day of over 90 degree weather.  YIKES….us Minnesotans aren’t used to that.   And I am a pregnant Minnesotan….(and not a very pleasant one lately either).

So what does a pregnant, overheated, Minnesotan do to pass her time???   READ!!   I have actually read two books!!  WOW!!  

I belong to two online book discussion groups.  One called Bookmoms which is only for women with young children and is a closed group now, sorry.   The second one is called the “Bookies” this group is open to everyone and really has some fun members.  One member is even my mother 🙂   Even though I am not active on the bookies anymore, I love to see what they are reading and might join on a particular discussion if I had read the book. etc.  


8-1 to 8 -15:    Disgrace by JM Coetzee
8-16 to 8-31:   The Pact by Jodi Picoult
9 -1 to 9-15:    Disobedience by Jane Hamilton
9-16 to 9-30:    White Crosses by Larry Watson
10-1 to 10-15:  The Red Tent by Anita Diamant 
10-16 to 10-31: The Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama
11-1 to 11-15:   Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy
11-16 to 11-30: O Pioneers! by Willa Cather

To Join the BOOKIES go to their website for Subscribing info. It really is a great group.



June 30 – Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
July 15 – The Ladies Auxilliary, Tova Mirvis
July 30 – The Red Tent, Anita Diamont
August 15 – Evensong, Gail Godwin
August 30 – Sally Hemings: A Novel

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