Today was my first visit with our midwife. Her name is Lisa Mattke. She is a midwife at our Health Partners clinic. She seemed nice and took the time to answer all my questions. I think Paul liked her too.

Last night was a very bad sleep night for me. I must have gotten up at least 10 times to use the bathroom. ARGH!!! Usually I only have to get up a couple of times. It is so hard for me to tell if I have a bladder infection or is this pregnancy related or interstitial cystitis (IC). I have been battling IC for a few years, but with meds it seems to be in remission for the most part.

I requested the midwife run a Urine Analysis, and it came back with white blood cells present so I will be treated for a bladder infection. Well hopefully with that cleared up I will be able to sleep better!

We heard the babies heartbeat. It was 150. It was kind of neat as she would find the heartbeat and my babe would quickly move again. The babe likes to move alot!

One question I had was how important is it to not sleep on my back while pregnant. To my great relief the midwife said that I could continue to sleep on my back until about 35 weeks. WHEW…..I can’t seem to sleep on my side, drives me nuts.

I had questions about what the difference is in the birth process between a Dr and a midwife. She said that the midwife will be with me through the labor and delivery and will provide for labor support. She will get me up walking more and into the tub, etc for relaxation.

One confusing thing she told me was that I *could continue to take my Claretin for my allergies during the pregnancy. My allergist had told me not to and the midwife said to take it. It is so hard to know what you *can really take and what will hurt your baby. It think I will only take this if I really really have to.

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  1. Maybe you should have the allergist and midwife talk to each other, in case one knows something the other doesn’t.  Let them debate the pros and cons and get back to you with a final answer.  🙂

  2. Sounds like a great appointment!  Good luck with the back sleeping.  I’d always heard/read that after 5 months you aren’t supposed to sleep on your back, but I wake up that way sometimes ~ usually when I’m having a contraction and have to pee something terrible, lol.  Did your mw use a doppler to hear the heartbeat?  Most babies don’t like those things and will quickly wiggle away from them ~ at least while they are still small enough!  Good luck with the bladder infections…

  3. i think i’d get a 2nd and 3rd opinion before taking it. and i suppose the alergist might know more about the allergy drugs than the midwife? don’t want to do anything to risk the lovely bub. take care of you all!!!! {v}

  4. Hi! Thanks for your comments on my blog! I’m due Sept. 18th. Just over 3 more months left! Ack! 🙂 We delt with IF too. You will have to e-mail me sometime and we can chat!

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