Well everyone tells me life gets better from here on.   I will believe it when I see it.  Today is the official first day of my 2nd trimester/ 14th week.   I have seen some improvements but the tiredness is back again.  I seemed better over the weekend, but still dragging.   I want some energy, I have a ton to get done! 

Well of course you are all wondering what our little bundle of joy accomplished during their 13th week of development????


Measuring in at about seven centimeters, crown-to-rump, and weighing about two ounces, our baby-to-be will spend the rest of the pregnancy concentrating on growing and becoming strong enough to live outside the uterus. Our baby’s intestines have now moved from outside the body to inside the abdomen. While our baby won’t be saying “Mommy” for some time, vocal cords are now developing. Our fetus also has developed many reflexes and will squirm inside of me if my abdomen is prodded.

So far my total weight gain has been 4-5 pounds.  It seems to vary.  I am trying to do my exercises more often.  Hopefully that will help with leg cramps.  My next appointment is to meet out midwife, on May 8th.   Allergy season is starting to kick in, I am pretty sniffly but the asthma seems to be ok.

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  1. I know it’s hard to believe, but you will start feeling better from here on out.  🙂  The tiredness though?  Expect that to stick around for a while.  It may get a little better for a couple of weeks, but it’s going to be back in a few weeks anyway.  And after the baby is born… well… try to get used to it now.  😀  But it’s so worth it.


  2. ‘I’m so happy, happy, happy….ta dahh, tah dahhh….’

    ‘I’m just growin’, growin’, growin….yee hah,,,,yee hah!!’

    ‘I stretch right and left, and mommy feels my tickle…ooo whoooo….uh huh…..

    ‘Just think as I get bigger, how many times I’ll kick….vah vooom!  ba-rooom!!!!’

    Thinkin’ of you and baby and family!


  3. Your energy will get better.  I had good days and bad days. 

    Leg cramps:  I heard eating a banana or two a day helps, so that’s what I did.  How many cramps I had while I was pregnant:  none.  Maybe I was just lucky, maybe it was the “nanners”. 

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