Almost the end of my work week here.  And it looks like a promising weekend here in Minnesota.  We are finally seeing the sun!  YEAH!!!!   Maybe I can put on some shorts and get some color.   I stopped going to the tanning booth when I got pregnant so I am very pale!!!!

This weekend is a kid weekend for us.   Paul will be going to pick up Erik for his weekend visitation in a few hours.   They it is rush home and make some supper, take a nap and then I have to go pick up my niece and nephew for the evening.   Nick and Kristen are staying over tonight and will be with us all day tomorrow too.  I hope Kristen is wanting to go out side some.  She is about 1 1/2 years old.  I am truly hoping she will let me sleep in a bit in the morning!!! 

We don’t have many plans for the weekend, that I am aware of.  We might go to the park or something, we will see. 

My pregnancy is going ok.  I saw my allergist yesterday.  He is concerned about my asthma while I am pregnant.   I can take some meds for my asthma, but no medication for my allergies so he said to stay in the house and have the air cleaners running all the time.   ARGH!!!!

My hubby is dyeing to take a picture of my with my little belly, so I am sure you will all soon get to see it.   I never allow any pictures to be taken of me in my first pregnancy, I think I have to allow some this time. 

Well, I’m Off…..Hope Everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend!!! 

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