During the next few days, our baby’s heart will start early contractions, which later become distinct beats. By the end of the third week of gestation (five weeks in menstrual age) the length of the embryo was about 1.5 to 2.0 mm long. All of our baby’s major organs are under development, and facial features, such as ears and eyes, began to form. The neural tube, which will later be referred to as the spinal cord, have began to fuse. And buds appeared that will soon be the arms and legs.

No wonder I am so tired!  That is what all happened in our fifth week of pregnancy.  As of yesterday we have begun our 6th week.   According to the pregnancy calendar the length of our embryo measures 4mm.   Moving….right along!

0 thoughts on “

  1. So did you guys plan to get pregnant? or did it just kinda happen? Pregnancies are blessings. And that even coming from a mother who was horribly sick thru her whole pregnancy =)


  2. Laura –

    It was a planned pregnancy sort of. We were actively trying and undergoing infertility treatment but we thought it would take about two years to concieve. We conceived the first time with clomid. It only took about a month after I underwent some test etc.

  3. When I was pregnant last year, I heard a comedien talking about coming home one day, to his pregnant wife ‘lazing’ on the couch… dirty clothes laying around, dirty dishes, no dinner made…

    He asked, “What did you DO all day!?”

    To which she replied, “I made a heart and a lung.”

    I always thought that was just the best, and such a great way to keep in mind just how hard our bodies are working, even when you can’t ‘see’ the changes going on…

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