First Dr’s Appointment…..

Today was our official first appointment with the Dr to confirm our pregnancy.    I weighed in at 128.  Ok, not much weight gain if any.  (still weigh 125 on home scale so no change),  Why is it you *always weigh more at the Dr’s!  

He said everything looked fine, we have a 1 in 20 chance of having twins, since we had two eggs.  The best part is, he said that since I am now 6 weeks pregnant that after this week any morning sickness will begin to get better from here on out.  I hope that is true as I was still waiting for the worse to come.  So this isn’t nearly as bad as it was with my son. 

Let’s see…what else did he say.  Due to my age (only 30) I had an increase risk of Down’s syndrome and some skull and spine deformities.  The talked about an ammio and we discussed it and we do not want any testing done as it would not change anything for us and would only be a increase risk to our baby.   We would not ever elect to abort.   Easy enough….

I see the Dr in 4 1/2 weeks and he will do an exam at that time and see the size of my uterus.   If it seems large I will have an ultrasound done to see if there are twins. 

We have not yet told our other two children and will tell them after our appointment in 4 1/2 weeks. 

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