Justcinful – since you asked, I think my due date would be around October 31, 2001. I have not received a official one from the Dr yet. That will be coming on Monday after our appointment.

Loopdeloup – Your are a ray of sunlight….your comments each day always make me smile. Thanks for being on this journey with me….. 🙂

3 thoughts on “

  1. Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope it’ll go well for you, and that the babe won’t actually be born on Halloween. That would suck-no one would come to it’s birthday parties…

  2. *blushes* aw, shucks, girl! I’m just SO excited, the rays of sunlight are coming my way here. I’m just finished up with my own baby thing, having had 3 in 5 years, (hubby just had a vasectomy) but LOVE them so much, every time a see a little new one I want to steal it. I would have 65 babies if only it were practical, but its not, so now I have them vicariously – much easier this way too (teheehe). Also, my sister is in this process, as I told you, only so far after a few attempts its been unsucessful, so I really appreciate your strength and your struggle here. Thankyou for sharing this with us, and God bless!

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