Financial Peace University……


Have you ever yearned for peace regarding your finances? Ever wish you were more prepared for emergencies and not living paycheck to paycheck? Our family had weathered a few financial storms over the years and long-yearned for financial peace, so we decided to check out Financial Peace University. Little did we realize how very much we needed FPU in our life! FPU teaches God’s ways of handling money.

We’d never made a big deal of discussing our finances. Once in FPU classes we realized we were not alone in being off-course with ourf inances and communications. We found the consistency of the weekly meetings helpful in really developing and keeping the consistent groundwork we needed for success.

FPU was life changing for our family. One revelation for us as parents was that we could literally change our family tree. We are providing our children with the tools and examples of how to handle their money God’s way. Even our 5th grader understands that when he earns money, he will divide it to give, save and spend.There is so much joy in knowing our children’s future will be brighter due to FPU. After watching a couple of the videos with us our son and his fiancé decided to take the course to start their life together on the right foot financially. It is with great joy that we now watch our son and his wife living within their means and enjoying financial peace of their own! We only wish we had started our marriage at the financial place they have.

Financial Peace University has been wonderful for our marriage.The FPU principles keep us on track financially as a couple. We have a simple weekly budget meeting to make financial decisions and pay bills together. We have shared goals and values which has increased the sense of unity in our relationship.

Since graduating from FPU we’ve loved serving as course panel members! We are reinvigorated in our journey and renewed in our commitment by the new FPU graduates. We are lucky to also be joined on the panel by our son and his wife. This strengthens our commitment as a family to live peacefully, free of debt.

Through participating in FPU you not only experience a transformation; you witness how FPU gives others the tools to be more at peace financially, and spiritually. Watching the transformation from a sense of despair to a sense of hope and possibility is incredible to witness. Truly, through Christ all things are possible!

We love sharing our passion for FPU with family and friends so they may enjoy the financial peace we are discovering. We choose to live like no one else, so later we can live like no one else…DEBT FREE! We would like to invite you to check out the upcoming Financial Peace University at First Lutheran Church in White Bear Lake. Join our family in the journey to beat debt and discover the financial peace we all yearn for.

For more information on attending FPU contact Jeff at First Lutheran Church in White Bear Lake.  FPU starts Tuesday, February 26th at First Lutheran.   Don’t live in the White Bear Lake area???   Use the find a class page on Dave Ramsey’s website to find a class near you.  

Financial Peace University will teach you to take control of your money, invest for the future and give like never before.  Take the plunge, you will not regret it….FPU is life changing! 


Paul and Jen

Look for more articles in the future about our Financial Peace journey…….

Other Articles in our FPU Series:
Our FPU Story: That was then…..This is now
Change Takes a Leap of Faith

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